The weekly affirmation is a new feature to the website, courtesy of our Anishinaabemowin Department.
Please visit our Youtube channel to listen!
Jiishpin zhiyaasoon wii kendiman gegoo
if you feel like you don’t want to learn
gaayii gwaya ge naadimaagiba
there’s no one to help you
jiishpin getinaamendiman wii kendiman
if you’re determined to learn
gaayii gwaya daa shkitoosiin wii ngaashimig
no one will be able to stop you
gaayii akinoomaawsowin aawzinoo owi wii kendiman gwetigwa geget yaawang
education is not just learning the facts
nii’ii owi wii zhiitaatooyin gdinendimowin wii naanaagidewenman
but training of the mind to think
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