Rama First Nation
Constructed bridges and boardwalks as part of trail enhancement project at Black River Wilderness Park.
Constructed bridges and boardwalks as part of trail enhancement project at Black River Wilderness Park.
1.9 km of 3 meter wide granular mechanized build
Planned, designed and built 14km of hiking and fitness trail. Trained twelve community members in the principles of sustainable trail [...]
Coordinated with band council and land use planners to determine trail investigation route. GPS plotted 30 km of backcountry coastal [...]
Coordinated with First Nation land planners and National Park to determine trail users. Planned, designed and built 2.5km loop trail [...]
Assessed existing Nimkees Trail and developed new trail plan for construction of 10 km of new hiking trail. Coordinated with [...]
Mechanized Hybrid Trail Training on 500 meters granular trail.
Coordinated First Nation partners and non-profit organization to develop a sustainable trail model spanning 200km along the coast of Georgian [...]
Completed 1.2 kilometers of mechanized granular trail as part of the Parks canoe access route.
Mechanized build of 800 meters of natural surface hand finished trail as part of the Nimkee Trail System.