Health Services
Wikwemikong Health Centre
Opened in July 1988, this modern, well-equipped building is able to address any community health or clinic concern. It includes mental health services, dental services and bi-weekly chiropractor and optometrist services. With its medicine lodge, it also caters to the needs of the traditional healers on the reserve. The long-term care facility was completed in 1998.
Programs and Services
The administration program oversees the daily operations of the Wikwemikong Health Centre under the direction of the Administration Program Manager who is supported by the Medical and Administrative Receptionists, the Non-Insured Health Benefits Clerk and the Health Policy and Planning Advisor.
The Wikwemikong Environmental Health Program provides Environmental Health Services to the membership of Wikwemikong Unceded Indian Reserve. The Wikwemikong Environmental Health Programs operates out of the Nahndahweh Tchigehgamig Wikwemikong Health Centre. This Program works in conjunction with the Environmental Health Officer of Health Canada to provide services in the area of Environmental Health.
The main importance of this program is to continually assist the Environmental Health Officer in maintaining and monitoring all Environmental Health issues. In addition the Environmental Health program encompasses their services within the nine Wikwemikong Community Health Plan Goals.
This program is also responsible for the building and vehicle maintenance of the Nahndahweh Tchigehgamig Wikwemikong Health Centre.
Services: Environmental
- Monitoring/Testing
- Inspections
- Consultation with Environmental Health Officer
- Advocacy
- Coordination with other agencies for continuity of services
- Environmental Promotion/Health Promotion
The Mental Health Unit is known as Nadmadwin Mental Health Clinic, which is under the direction of the Nahndahweh Tchigehgamig Wikwemikong Health Centre. We are a community based program that provides Mental Health Services to the membership of Wikwemikong Unceded Indian Reserve.
Referrals are made with the consent of the client and may be made by potential client, family, friends. school, other community agencies, police, family physician, and hospital and outside service agencies. Referrals are accepted via telephone, walk-in, or letter. A variety of mental health services are offered which may include, but are not limited to the following:
- Relationship Issues
- Parent/child Issues
- Child Behaviour Problems
- Abuse Issues
- Grief and Loss
- Trauma
- Anxieties
- Phobias
- Dealing with Suicidal Ideation
- Suicide Prevention and Intervention
- Depression
- Anger Management
- Parental Support
- Support/Advocacy
The Traditional Medicine Program has now been in existence and an integral component of the Wikwemikong Health Center for 14 years. We attempt to retain the centuries old philosophy, methodology and other aspects of the practice of Traditional Medicine as handed down by out mentors, many of whom have passed on to the Spirit World.
The practice of Traditional Medicine has continued uninterrupted in this community in spite of the constant opposition from Church and State, as well as a number of fundamentalist sects of main stream denominations.
The main reason for the success of the program is its initial stages and up to the present is due to the support and encouragement from the Elders as well as those individuals who have benefited from the treatment offered.
The practice of Traditional Medicine always includes treatment of the entire human psyche – Emotional, Mind, Body, and Spirit. Therefore, it is not unusual to include the appropriate ceremonies as part of the healing program.
Apart from individual treatments, our Traditional Medicine Program has become a major resource center for other First Nations and non-aboriginal institutions throughout Ontario and beyond, including the United States.
Medicines are harvested from spring, summer and fall. The Traditional Medicine staff have access to clients files so that medications and medicines do not conflict with each other. Referrals are made to the doctors or nurses if needed. Confidentiality is maintained throughout.
The Wikwemikong Health Services Unit offers a multitude of Health Services to the community of Wikwemikong including: Clinical Services, Wellness and Health Promotion, Long Term Care and Canada Prenatal Nutrition Programs. These services are coordinated by the Health Services Unit Manager and this position is supported and served by the various service providers. Health Services are offered to the community of Wikwemikong in the Wikwemikong Health Centre, the Long Term Care building, Amikook Senior Centre, and in the Client’s personal residence.
The Nookomisnaang Shelter provides:
Safety, protection and shelter, in a supportive healing environment; intervention and wholistic crisis counselling (group or individual) for victims of family violence (women or men with children, women, men, youth, families), Traditional Teaching Circles; an understanding of the cycles of violence; promotion of health and personal self care for wellness, prevention of family violence; referral and advocacy while they are in Transition
Aftercare Family Support
This program will focus on the aftercare of family violence by offering a wholistic framework to address the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being. This will occur through counselling (group or individual); support; traditional teaching circles; and advocacy, for those service users who have been or continue to be affected by the impacts of family violence.
Nursing Services are providing to clients who require assistance and guidance with their current health condition. This can be chronic or acute conditions. It can be to help an elder remain in his or her home for as long as possible to assisting clients after surgery.
The Wellness Program is committed to addressing the mental, emotional, spiritual and physical aspects of health by providing health education and awareness activities.
Primary focus is on improving the quality of life of the elderly, disabled, and the chronically ill so that they can remain living independently in their homes as long as possible.
Crisis Can Happen to Anyone at Any Time!
The Mnidoo Mnising First Nation Mental Wellness Crisis Response Team is under the direction of the Nadmadwin Mental Health Clinic at the Naandwechige-Gamig Wikwemikong Health Centre. The Mnidoo Mnising FNMW Crisis Response Team provides services to all 7 First Nation communities of Mnidoo Mnising. We are a team providing rapid response services throughout a crisis. Our vision is to provide holistic services to assist First Nation communities of Mnidoo Mnising to become self-reliant in mental wellness crisis response. Our mission is to be committed to working in partnership with the seven First Nations of Mnidoo Mnising to ensure effective and culturally appropriate mental wellness crisis response.
Our Goals:
• Providing immediate crisis response to individuals, families, groups & agencies with acute stress
• Providing relief & rapid stabilization of symptoms to children, youth, adults & elders
• Providing defusing’s & debriefing’s following a crisis
• Providing culturally appropriate resources to support mental wellness and Mino-Bimaadiziwin
• Initiate and assist in the development of individual community safety response protocols
Our Services include:
• Co-developing unique crisis response protocols to each First Nation
• Providing communities with on-going promotion and awareness activities
• Pre-crisis mitigation
• Debriefing, defusing & demobilization
• Trauma informed care
• Suicide intervention
• Mental Health First Aid
• Referrals to clinical and/or traditional healing services
• Aftercare & client-centered safety plans
Community Support Services is a division of the Long Term Care Program and housed in the Amikook Seniors Centre. This provision of Community Support Services is to enable seniors to maintain independence and quality of life and remain in their homes for as long as possible. In effect, this allows them to be mobile active contributing members of the community.
Provides services to pregnant women through a community development approach. The CPNP aims to reduce the incidence of unhealthy birth weights, improve the health of both infant and mother and to encourage breastfeeding.
AHBHC program is a prevention and intervention strategy for families with children aged 0-6. The goal of the program is to assist all Aboriginal families in providing the best opportunities for healthy child development for children 0-6 years of age, through family home visiting, and service coordination and referrals. An equally important goal is to ensure that the program address their needs. The program is voluntary and open to any First Nation family that requests the service.
Waasa Naabin Community Youth Services Centre provides program delivery to promote wellness and to educate the youth on making healthier choices. The four components of program delivery are included on a regular basis through workshops and daily activity:
- Cultural Awareness
- Health & Wellness
- Mental Health and Awareness
- Recreation and Leisure
The Finance Manager works under the supervision of the Health Services Director and together works closely in the decision-making process and the administration of the Wikwemikong Health Centre programs.
The program provides registered band members with local transportation of their medical appointments at the Wikwemikong Health Centre. Medical Transportation also took applications for travel off-reserve to medical appointments.