Information Communication Technology
Mission Statement
In an overall sense, the IT Department is responsible for providing the infrastructure for automation. It implements the governance for the use of network and operating systems, and it assists the operational units by providing them the functionality they need.
Infrastructure automation -is the process of scripting environments — from installing an operating system, to installing and configuring servers on instances, to configuring how the instances and software communicate with one another, and much more
It’s important to note that although the IT department implements and facilitates the flow of information, it doesn’t create the policy that defines which information is correct or accessible to others.
Three Major IT Functions
Three Major IT Functions
Technical Services
Employees are familiar with having to contact the IT department for computer support. The IT department provides this service for all the users who need access to the company’s computer systems. This might entail installing new software or hardware, repairing hardware that has become faulty, training employees in the use of new software, and troubleshooting problems with the system or with an individual’s computer.
Behind the Scenes
We create and maintain so many systems that go unseen. These services, however, are integral to the success of a business. Though they may not be appreciated when business is running smoothly, their importance is greatly recognized when something goes wrong.